"If I take the wings of the morning and dwell in the uttermost parts of the sea..." Psalm 139:9
Lately I have had so much going on- just busy life stuff- but also spiritually, so much happening in my heart, I just have not had the time to really sit down and write here- but my heart does not lack for revelation content to share. When I realized how long it had been since I posted, I really wanted to sum a bit up of what the Lord has been doing in my heart over the last few months.
First, I want to say, that with the New Year just 48 hours away, I am gearing up to post at least once a week. I don't want to lose track of what God is doing by spending all my time in the living that I don't take the time to stop and meditate on what He has been saying through it all.
This photo was taken recently when Johnny and I went away up the California coast to Point Arena for our 15th Anniversary. It was an amazing time for us to connect, rest, and regroup. With five kids you can imagine, we don't get to date a whole lot. So every year my AMAZING mother in law stays with the kids and lets us take off for a night or two, or three, or four...
I have taken time over the years meditating on different parts of Psalm 139, and I am sure if you are familiar with this passage of scripture, you probably read right over the "wings of the morning" part, but I think it is one of my favorite verses in this Psalm.
No matter where I am, He is with me. No matter what I am doing, He is close.
There is not a thought I have developed He didn't know before the words came together in my mind, let alone before it spilled from my lips.
At the beginning of each day, I have made my plans, I know where Im headed and what I am doing, but He has the right to interfere, doesn't He? Aren't some of the best days of our lives the days that don't end up looking like we thought?
We set out each day, just as another day, but in the Spirit, He picks us up, like a cab to the Airport, and we fly away with Him. All through the day we are in flight with Him, if we tune into Him, what He is doing, what He is saying.
So ya, I will take the wings of the morning, I will fly with Him today, and let Him open my eyes, and show me things.