This week I had the privilege of speaking to our interns at Convergence House of Prayer on the topic of the Power of a Focused Life. [Mike Bickle has some great teaching on it here.]
Here are a few of my favorite quotes from various leaders, and myself, on the topic:
"Money is Power, but Time, is Life." - John Maxwell
"If time is eternal equity, where are you investing it?"
"To squander time, is to squander destiny." - Mike Bickle
"What would you die for? Then why don't you live for it?" Francis Anfuso
Remember the parable of the talents? This parable is a great picture of a squandered life. In fact, Proverbs 29:18 says: "Where there is no vision, the people perish", or are "unrestrained". Casting off restraint, is like a ship floating around in the ocean, with no direction, no anchor, and no map! In other words, lack of vision, or focus, equals a squandered destiny.
I used to think that when I received a dream from the Lord or a prophetic word than, "so let it be written, so let it be done." In other words, there was nothing left to do on my part. If God had a specific plan for my life, than it would just unfold before my eyes and bam! There I would be. It didn't quite work out like that for me, and then a few years ago I had to pull out my 15 years worth of journals and dig to find what promises God really had spoke to me. I began to lay out all the promises, dreams, and prophetic words I felt were really and truly from God, and pray into them.
This meant I had to take much time, process, pray, write, and evaluate my life. Were there things I was spending my time on that didn't "feed" my destiny? What things that are in my heart were really put there by God?
Personally, about every three months, I look at my schedule, evaluate how I am spending my time, and shift things that are not working for me. Perhaps I will specifically address that in another post, but for now I will leave you with those thoughts.
I am attaching a document I gave to our interns to help you take a look at where your time goes, what your life vision is, and how to make your weekly schedule "feed" your bigger picture life vision and goals.
I hope these tools are helpful to you!
- Gina
The Power of A Focused Life Processing Sheet
Bible Study Planning Worksheet
Weekly Schedule Worksheet